
Plundergrounds 1: Ape City

After a seemingly endless climb on crumbling stairs, spiraling up through a chimney of rock, you emerge into blinding sunlight. Before you lies a massive plateau. At its center, a great lake is surrounded by a peculiar city of glittering domes, spires, and elevated walkways. The architecture, obviously not conforming to human measures or logic, causes a vague unease in the recesses of your brain. Who built this ... monstrosity ... and when? Who or what might still live here?

A solitary hooting noise is your only warning before a mob of hairy figures crash out of the brush around you, flinging nets over you and your friends.

In This Issue  

  • Grizel Farstrider, keeper of secrets
  • Intelligent apes
  • Gladiator battles
  • An insane dimensional portal
  • Rules for ape characters
  • Weird alien technologies
  • Pteranodons with laser eyes
  • Movie trailers for dungeons
To purchase this issue, visit the Plundergrounds Back Issues page.