Plundergrounds is a series of theme-forward zines devoted to Dungeon World adventures. Each 24-page issue features a new and different setting with enough content to keep a group of players happy for 1-5 sessions.
The Far Erinyes is a crossroads - something that I think every GM can use. It's a city that sits at the nexus of several adventure worlds:
In This Issue
- The Olvani Spire is an island-city where people from all over the known world might run into each other. However, it's also at the edge of the known world and a secret world lies inside of the spire, so it might also be a place where people go to get lost.
- Of course the seas that surround the Erinyes provides grand opportunities for sailing adventures, and...
- The Luminferous Ether is a jumping off point for sword-and-planet stories; swashbuckling in fantasy "space."
- Finally, the mysterious world under the waves awaits those who might attempt to invade the realm of the Tritons!