
Plundergrounds 7.5: In One Bite - Actual Play

No you didn't miss #7! It will come out next month. Issue 7 will be a con scenario, a bio-dungeon, a teaching zine that helps Dungeon World GM's run the game, and more!

Issue 7.5 is an actual play record of the first time I ran the material that will appear in issue 7.

Tell your friends about it, because it's free.

Download: Screen - Booklet*

* As always, the booklet is ready to print. Settings should be US Letter, landscape, double-sided, short edge binding.


Books & Bullets v1.0

[Rules update log below downloads. Last update 2/6/2019 11:01 am GMT-8.]

Books & Bullets is a Cthulhu adventure game that shoots the line of complexity between Trail of Cthulhu and Cthulhu Dark, and which avoids the Insanity death spiral without taking the sting out of the Lovecraftian horror.

The game includes three single-sided play sheets.

Players – introduction, story hook, character sheet, character generation rules, dice mechanics, and rules for insight, mythos checks, and helping/hindering.

Mythos Master – your agenda, insanity & death, scaling mythos checks, running adventures, and an introductory mystery

Resources – (for everyone) tech by era, word lists, name lists, equipment list, sources of inspiration

This game is FREE to everyone and released under the CC-BY-NC-SA license. You are encouraged to link others here to get the game.


Rules Updates:
2/6/2019 - Ver 1.0 public release (removed A4 and RTF formats, avail. to patrons only)
1/24/2019 - Ver 1.0 patreon release